PNG_v2.8-white-long - VR Accredited

Cancellation Policies

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General Cancellations

Job Sites within 100km Radius of Crew Depot

For job sites within 100km radius from the depot the crew is originating from, cancellation more than 12 hours from site meeting time will not be subject to any penalities. For cancellations less than 12 hours from site meeting time will be subject to a 6hr minimum for Staff and Assets.

This Policy doesn't apply to events.

Job Sites more than 100km Radius of Crew Depot

For job sites more than 150km radius from the depot the crew is originating from, cancellations more than 24 hour from site meeting time will not be subject to any penalities. For cancellations less than 24 hours from site meeting time will be subject to a 6hr minimum for Staff and Assets, as well as any accommodation booked for the job.

This Policy doesn't apply to events.

Event Cancellations

Unforeseen Cancellations

Cancelled within 24hrs of Event Start: Payment for assets already deployed, Traffic Management Planning Costs, 4hr Minimum of all staff rostered and Vehicle Hire

Cancelled 1-7 Days of Event Start: Payment for all assets already deployed and Traffic Management Planning Costs

Cancelled More than 7 Days of Event Start: Payment for Traffic Management Planning Costs

Voluntary Cancellations

Cancelled within 72hrs of Event Start: Payment for assets already deployed, Traffic Management Planning Costs, 4hr Minimum of all staff rostered, Vehicle Hire plus $750.00 administration cost.

Cancelled 3+ days of Event Start: Payment for assets already deployed, Traffic Management Planning Costs and $750.00 administration cost.